Committee Information:
2018 Interim

Information on House Appropriations Committee meetings can be found here.  All meetings are open to the public.  Please note that during Session, the current weekly meeting schedule is also posted on the home page for easy reference.

All Committee meeting agendas and presentations, if available in electronic format, will be posted as soon as possible.  Unless otherwise noted, documents are available on this website in Adobe Acrobat "portable document format" (PDF) which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice. 

2018 Interim Meetings:
(agendas will be posted as soon as they are available)

December 18, 2018

  • Joint Money Committee Meeting - 9:30 AM
    Ground Floor, Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Building
    • Agenda
    • Remarks of the Governor
      • The Honorable Ralph S. Northam, Governor of Virginia
    •  Economic Outlook and Revenue Forecast
      • The Honorable Aubrey L. Layne, Jr., Secretary of Finance
    •  Governor Northam’s Proposed Budget Recommendations for the 2018-2020 Biennium
      • Daniel S. Timberlake, Director, Department of Planning and Budget


November 13 & 14, 2018 -Appropriations Committee Retreat- Agenda

Business Meeting Location:
Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center
Shenandoah Ballroom B & C
710 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

  • 1:00 PM - Welcome and Opening Remarks

    • The Honorable S. Chris Jones, Chairman, House Appropriations Committee

  • 1:10 PM - 2019 Session Revenue and Budget Outlook

    • Robert P. Vaughn, Director, House Appropriations Committee Staff

    • Anne E. Oman, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, House Appropriations Committee Staff

  • 2:15 PM - Overview of Comprehensive Services Act & Special Education

    • Susan E. Massart, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, House Appropriations Committee Staff

    • Susan L. Hogge, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, House Appropriations Committee Staff

      • Presentation

  • 3:00 PM - Update on Higher Education

    •  Eric M. Sandridge, Director, Higher Education Program, Auditor of Public Accounts

      • Presentation

    • Anthony A. Maggio, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, House Appropriations Committee Staff

      • Presentation

  • 3:45 PM - Overview of Incentive Proposal between Amazon and the Commonwealths 

    • Stephen Moret, President and CEO, Virginia Economic Development Partnership

NOTE: Due to the agenda being revised, the presentations listed below will not be given during the meeting...

  • State Spending on Inmate Healthcare

    • Jeffrey Lunardi, Chief Legislative Analyst, Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

      • Presentation

  •  Update on Body Cameras

    • Michael R. Jay, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, House Appropriations Committee Staff

      • Presentation

  • Update on Business-Ready Sites Activity

    • Eugene J. Maupai III, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, House Appropriations Committee Staff

      • Presentation



  • 8:00 AM - Bus Tour of JMU Campus (ISAT and New Hospital Facility) & Walking Tour of Carrier Library *

    • Charles W. King, Jr., Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance, James Madison University

* NOTE:  Due to space limitations and security restrictions, the JMU and Carrier Library tours are not open to the public.

Business Meeting Location:
James Madison University - Madison Hall
100 E. Grace Street
Room 1101
Harrisonburg VA 22801

  • 9:30 AM - Update on Capital Outlay
    • Anthony A. Maggio, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, House Appropriations Committee Staff
  • 10:00 AM - Retreat Summary and Adjournment
    • The Honorable S. Chris Jones, Chairman, House Appropriations Committee



Monday, October 15, 2018

  • Appropriations Committee Meeting - 9:30 AM
    Ground Floor, Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Building
    • Agenda
    • September Revenue Report & Presentation
      • The Honorable Aubrey L. Layne, Jr., Secretary of Finance
    • Update on the Department of Rail and Public Transportation
      • Jennifer Mitchell, Director, Department of Rail and Public Transportation
    • Update on Medicaid Waiver Expansion and Implementation of the Training, Education, Employment and Opportunity (TEEOP) Program
      • Dr. Jennifer S. Lee, Director, Department of Medical Assistance Services
      • Duke Storen, Commissioner, Department of Social Services
      • Megan Healy, Governor’s Chief Workforce Advisor
    • Overview of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency
      • Nelson P. Moe, Chief Information Officer, Virginia Information Technologies Agency
      •  Eric R. Link, Deputy Chief Information Officer, Virginia Information Technologies Agency



Monday, September 17, 2018

  • Appropriations Committee Meeting - 9:30 AM
    Ground Floor, Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Building
    • Agenda
    • Update from the Virginia Department of Education - Presentation
      • Dr. James F. Lane, Ed. D., Superintendent of Public Instruction
        Virginia Department of Education
    • August Revenue Report & Presentation
      • The Honorable Aubrey L. Layne, Jr.
        Secretary of Finance
    • Tuition and Fee Update - Presentation
      • Anthony A. Maggio, Legislative Fiscal Analyst
        House Appropriations Committee Staff
    • Status of Broadband Efforts in the Commonwealth of Virginia - Presentation
      • Evan Feinman, Commonwealth Chief Broadband Advisor   
           and Executive Director, Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission
    • Update on the Department of Medical Assistance Services - Presentation
      • Dr. Jennifer S. Lee, Director
        Department of Medical Assistance Services
      • Dr. S. Hughes Melton, MD MBA, Commissioner
        Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services



August 17, 2018

  • Joint Money Committee Meeting - 9:30 AM
    Ground Floor, Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Building
    • Agenda
    • Remarks of the Governor
      • The Honorable Ralph S. Northam, Governor of Virginia (Remarks)
    • Review of General Fund Revenues and the Virginia Economy for Fiscal Year 2018



August 17th
9:30 AM Joint Mtg. w/ HFC & SFC
Location: Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling
September 17th
9:30 AM Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling
October 15th
9:30 AM Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling
November 13th (Tuesday)
November 14th (Wedensday)
1:00 PM
8:00 AM
Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center, Harrisonburg VA
(Nov. 13th Public Block of Hotel Rooms)
December 18th 
9:30 AM Joint Mtg. w/ HFC & SFC Location Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling




2018 Bill Tracking

Regular Session