Committee Information:
2008 Interim

Information on House Appropriations Committee meetings can be found here.  All meetings are open to the public.  Please note that during Session, the current weekly meeting schedule is also posted on the Home page for easy reference.


  • Summary of Governor Kaine’s Revenue Revisions and Budget Proposals in HB 1600 (12-23-08)
  • Chairman Putney's Follow Up Letter to VCU Rector Regarding Revocation of Mr. Monroe's Degree (10-27-08)
  • Chairman Putney's memo to VCU Rector Thomas Rosenthal Regarding Revocation of Mr. Monroe's Degree (10-21-08).
  • HAC Director's memo to House members on the Governor's Revenue Revisions and Budget Reduction Strategies (10-09-08)
  • HAC Director's memo to Committee members on revenue collections and reforecast.
  • Chairman Putney's letter requesting JLARC conduct an investigation of VCU (09-09-08).
  • Chairman Putney's statement on the current revenue situation (08-18-08).
  • Gov. Kaine’s August 2008 Reduction Plan for FY 2009-10 (08-15-08).
  • HAC Director's memo to Committee members about the preliminary year-end revenue data and FY 2009-10 forecast (07-17-08).

2008 Interim Meetings

Unless otherwise noted, all interim full committee meetings begin at 9:30 a.m. and are held in the Appropriations Room on the 9th Floor of the General Assembly Building. 

The August and December meetings are held jointly with the House Finance and Senate Finance Committees in House Room D in the General Assembly Building.  Download our 2008 Interim Committee Meeting Schedule.

December 17, 2008

Joint House Appropriations, House Finance & Senate Finance Meeting
9:30 a.m. - House Room D, GAB


November 18 & 19, 2008

Committee Retreat Notice


The Appropriations Committee of the Virginia House of Delegates will hold a two-day retreat in Roanoke at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center which is located at 110 Shenandoah Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24016 . The meeting will be held in the Shenandoah Room.  Click here for directions.


The retreat will include several panel discussions by Committee staff and outside experts including the current Economic and Budget Outlook of the Commonwealth, current issues in state employee compensation, higher education and public safety.


October 20, 2008

  • Agenda

  • September Revenue Report & Update on Proposed Budget Actions

  • Judicial Budget Reductions (no handout available)

  • Update on the 21st Century Improvement Plan
    -- Status of Bond Projects (DGS)
    -- Status of Capital Projects (DPB)

  • Review of VCU’s Degree Award Process
    -- Presentation
    -- Report


September 9, 2008


August 18, 2008

Joint House Appropriations, House Finance & Senate Finance Meeting
9:30 a.m. - House Room D, GAB


June 18, 2008 




2008 Bill Tracking

Regular Session
Special Session II