2019 Standing Subcommittee Information

Subcommittees are established for each functional area of state government. There are eight standing subcommittees that meet once or twice a week during Session and periodically throughout the Interim. Most of the detailed budget review occurs at the subcommittee level and they are the authoritative voice on policy and funding decisions on the budget.  

Subcommittees, in addition to reviewing the Governor's budget proposals, also review budget requests from members of the House of Delegates at large.

Please note that during Session, the current weekly meeting schedule is also posted on the Home page for easy reference. All meeting agendas and presentations, if available in electronic format, will be posted to the individual subcommittee pages as soon as possible.

Unless otherwise noted, documents are available on this website in Adobe Acrobat "portable document format" (PDF) which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice.

Click here for the 2019 Session Subcommittee Assignments & Subcommittee Meeting Schedule

NOTE:  Committee Chairmen Serve as ex Officio Members of House Subcommittees

Standing Subcommittees:



Other Joint Subcommittee & Joint  Commission Information


Thursday, December 5, 2019

  • Joint Subcommittee on Virginia Preschool Initiative (Info) - 1:30 PM
    Ground Floor, Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Building, 900 East Main Street
    •  Agenda
    • Welcome and Call to Order
      • The Honorable Emmett W. Hanger, Jr., Co-Chair
    • Status: Mixed Delivery Public-Private Partnership Grants
      • Kathy Glazer, President, Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
      • Lindsey Allard Agnamba, Executive Director, School Readiness Consulting
    • Update: Federal Preschool Development Grant Needs Assessment & Strategic Plan, Executive Directive 4, and School Readiness Committee Activities
      • Jenna Conway, Chief School Readiness Officer, Virginia Department of Education
    • Update: Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Program, Advancing Effective Interactions & Instruction in VPI Classrooms, and Day Care Centers Curriculum Pilot
      • Dr. Amanda Williford, Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching &  Learning (CASTL), Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
    • Discussion
      • Members

Monday, December 2, 2019

  • Joint Subcommittee for Health and Human Resources Oversight (info) - - 1:30 PM
    Ground Floor,
    Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling
    • Agenda
    • Welcome and Meeting Overview
      • The Honorable Emmett W. Hanger Jr., Vice-Chairman
    • Introduction and Remarks of the Incoming Commissioner for DBHDS
      • Alison Land, Incoming Commissioner, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
    • Update on Pharmacy Study and New Disproportionate Share Hospital Payment Methodology
    • Update on Children’s Services Act
      • Scott Reiner, Executive Director, Office of Children’s Services
    • Update on Section 1332 Waiver Options
    • Discussion and Closing Remarks


Monday, October 21, 2019

  • Joint Subcommittee for Health and Human Resources Oversight (info) - - 1:30 PM
    Ground Floor,
    Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling
    • Agenda
    • Welcome and Meeting Overview
      • The Honorable S. Chris Jones, Chairman
    • Approval of the Medicaid Spending Target for the 2020-22 Biennial Budget
    • Update on DOJ Settlement Agreement, STEP-VA Implementation and Budget Need for the 2020-22 Biennial Budget, and Agency Organizational Changes
      • Mira Signer, Acting Commissioner, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
    • Update on Medicaid Managed Care Programs, Behavioral Health Redesign Proposal and Fiscal Implications, and Agency Organizational Changes
      • Karen Kimsey, Director, Department of Medical Assistance Services


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

  • Joint Subcommittee for Health and Human Resources Oversight (info) - - 1:00 PM
    Ground Floor,
    Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling
    • Agenda
    • Review and Approval of the Medicaid Spending Target for the 2020-2022 Biennial Budget
    • Update on Medicaid FY 2019 Year-End Expenditures Versus Forecas
    • Update on Medicaid Expansion Enrollment, Costs, and Status of Waiver Implementation
    • Update on Status of Federal Medicaid Disallowances and Deferrals
      • Karen Kimsey, Director, Department of Medical Assistance Services
    • Update on Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Community Services Boards’ Revenues and Distribution of Special Funds to Offset Lower Planned Revenues
      • Mira Signer, Acting Commissioner, Department of Behavioral Health and               Developmental Services


Monday, September 16, 2019

  • Major Employment & Investment (MEI) Project Approval Commission (info) - 3:30 PM
    - Subcommittee Room #1, 5th Floor, Pocahontas Building  


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

  • Major Employment & Investment (MEI) Project Approval Commission (info) - 8:00 AM
    - Subcommittee Room #1, 5th Floor, Pocahontas Building  


  • Joint Subcommittee for Health and Human Resources Oversight (info) - 1:30 PM
    Ground Floor,
    Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Buidling
    • Agenda
    • Welcome and Meeting Overview
      • The Honorable S. Chris Jones, Chairman
    • Review and Discussion of Joint Subcommittee’s Work Plan for 2019 Interim Period
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Error Rates and Fiscal Implications
      • Duke Storen, Commissioner, Department of Social Services
    • Review and Approval of Medicaid Provider Assessment Reporting
    • Overview and Discussion of Medicaid Target for the 2020-22 Biennial Budget
    • Update on Activities of JLARC Health and Human Resources Unit
    • Discussion and Closing Remarks


Monday, July 8, 2019

  • Special Joint Subcommittee to Consult on the Plan to Close State Training Centers (info)
    - 2:30 PM - Ground Floor, Shared Committee Room (Rm E007), Pocahontas Building 
    • Agenda
    • Chairman’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
    • Presentation
      • Update on Remaining Central Virginia Training Center (CVTC) Residents and Plans for Discharge
        • Dr. S. Hughes Melton, MD, Commissioner, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
      • Overview and Status of Public-Private Partnership Proposals Related to CVTC
        • Dr. S. Hughes Melton, MD, Commissioner, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
      • Discussion of Issues Related to the Future Use of the CVTC Site after Closure
        • Dr. S. Hughes Melton, MD, Commissioner, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
        • Ms. Christine Kennedy, COO and Executive Vice President, Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance
      • Overview of the Crisis System for People with Developmental Disabilities and Update on the DOJ Settlement Agreement
        • Dr. S. Hughes Melton, MD, Commissioner, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental
    • Closing Comments and Adjourn


Monday, June 17, 2019

  • Major Employment & Investment (MEI) Project Approval Commission (info)  - 12:00 PM
    - Room W1301, 13th Floor Conference Room, Pocahontas Building  


Monday, May 13, 2019

  • Major Employment & Investment (MEI) Project Approval Commission (info) - 12:00 PM
    - Subcommittee Room #1, 5th Floor, Pocahontas Building  



Saturday, February 23, 2019

  • Major Employment Investment Project Approval Commission (MEI) (info)
    Time and Location in the Capitol TBA


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

  •  Special Subcommittee on Amazon - 1/2 hour after House adjournment  - Shared Committee Room (E007)
    • Agenda
    • Bill Before the Subcommittee:
      • HB 2490 (Rush)
      • HB 2653 (Jones)

 (Members: Jones, S.C. (Chair), Landes, Ingram, Rush, Torian)


Tuesday, January 22, 2019

 (Members: Jones, S.C. (Chair), Landes, Ingram, Rush, Torian)






2019 Bill Tracking

Regular Session

Email HAC staff:

Robert P.  Vaughn --
Staff Director


Susan E.  Massart --
Health & Human Resources


Anthony A. "Tony"  Maggio --
Capital Outlay, Higher & Other Education


Anne E. Oman --
Agriculture & Forestry,   Transportation, Natural Resources, Revenues


Susan L. Hogge --
Elementary & Secondary Education, Nonstate Agencies


Michael R. Jay --
Compensation & Retirement, General Government, Claims


David A. Reynolds--
Public Safety


Eugene J. "Skip" Maupai, III -- Economic Development, Technology


Carla L. Karnes --
Office Manager