HAC Banner

Economic Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources


Landes (Chairman), Cox, M.K., Sherwood, Poindexter, Massie, Scott, E.T., BaCote, Dance


The Legislative Fiscal Analysts that staff this subcommittee are Anne Oman and Paul Van Lenten, Jr.

2013 Session Meetings

During session, this subcommittee usually meets on Thursday at 2:30 p.m.  Unless otherwise noted, this subcommittee meets in the Appropriations Room on the 9th Floor of the General Assembly Building.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice.

Please note that the current weekly meeting schedule is posted on the Home page for easy reference. All meeting agendas and presentations, if available in electronic format, will be posted to the individual subcommittee pages as soon as possible.

February 14, 2014

  • Agenda
  • Bills Before the Subcommittee 
    • SB 1120 (McWaters)
    • SB 1134 (McWaters)
    • SB 1195 (Saslaw)
    • SB 1267 (Ruff)
    • SB 1301 (Stanley)
    • SB 1350 (McWaters) 
  •  Review of State Economic Development Incentive Grants - Presentation

February 11, 2013 - Immediately upon Compensation & Retirement Subcommittee Adjournment

February 7, 2013 - NOT MEETING 

January 31, 2013 - 30 Minutes After House Adjournment (this is a time change)

  • Agenda
  • Bills Before the Subcommittee
    • HB 1324 (Morris)
    • HB 1327 (Morris)
    • HB 1505 (Lingamfelter)
    • HB 1758 (Ramadan)
    • HB 2005 (Lopez)
    • HB 2071 (May)
    • HB 2075 (Poindexter)
    • HB 2087 (James)
    • HB 2097 ( James)
    • HB 2296 (Bulova)

January 24, 2014

  • Agenda
  • Bill Before the Subcommittee
  • Member Budget Amendment Requests
    (Patrons with last names beginning with M through Z)
  • Budget Items and Initiatives of the Agriculture and Forestry Secretariat - Presentation
  • Update on Fort Monroe Authority - Presentation
  • Virginia Offshore Wind Energy Update -Presentation

January 17, 2013

  • Agenda
  • Overview of the Governor’s Proposed Natural Resources Initiatives - Presentation
  • Impact of Consolidating DCR Water Quality Programs within DEQ - Presentation
  • House Member Budget Amendment Requests
    (Patrons with last names beginning with A through L)

January 10, 2013

  • Agenda

  • Results and Actions from Governor McDonnell’s Jobs & Opportunity Agenda Cumulative Update for the Fiscal Year End 2012

  • Virginia Economic Development Partnership Update - Presentation



Purview of the Subcommittee

Agriculture & Forestry:

Commerce & Trade/Economic Development:



