Standing Subcommittee Information
2022 Session

Subcommittees are established for each functional area of state government. Standing subcommittees meet once or twice a week during Session and periodically throughout the Interim. Most of the detailed budget review occurs at the subcommittee level and they are the authoritative voice on policy and funding decisions on the budget.  

Subcommittees, in addition to reviewing the Governor's budget proposals, also review budget requests from members of the House of Delegates at large.

Please note that during Session, the current weekly meeting schedule is also posted on the Home page for easy reference. All meeting agendas and presentations, if available in electronic format, will be posted to the individual subcommittee pages as soon as possible.

Unless otherwise noted, documents are available on this website in Adobe Acrobat "portable document format" (PDF) which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice.

Click here for the Subcommittee Assignments and Meeting Schedule (Revised 1/21/22)

NOTE:  Committee Chairs Serve as ex Officio Members of House Subcommittees

Standing Subcommittees



Other Joint Subcommittee and Joint Commission Meeting Information


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

  • Major Employment and Investment (MEI) Project Approval Commission (info) - 8:30 AM
    - Speaker's Conference Room, 6th Floor, Pocahontas Building 


Monday, December 12, 2022

  • Joint Subcommittee on Tax Policy Meeting (info) - 1:30 PM - Senate Room A
    • Agenda
    • Election of Chair and Vice Chair
    • Overview of Virginia Tax Policy
      • Kristin Collins, Assistant Commissioner of Tax Policy, Department of Taxation - Presentation
    • Options to Make Virginia’s Individual Income Tax More Progressive
      • Justin Brown, Senior Associate Director, Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
        - Presentation


Friday, December 9, 2022

  • Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan Advisory Committee - 9:30 AM - Speaker's Conference Room, 6th Floor, Pocahontas Building


Friday, November 11, 2022


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

  • Major Employment and Investment (MEI) Project Approval Commission (info) - Immediately following adjournment of the Senate Finance & Appropriations Committee - Subcommittee Room #2, 5th Floor, Pocahontas Building, 900 E. Main St., Richmond, VA 23219   










2022 Bill Tracking

Regular Session

Contact HAC Staff

Anne E. Oman
(804) 698-1596
Staff Director


Susan E.  Massart
(804) 698-1597
Health & Human Resources (except DBHDS)


Anthony A. "Tony"  Maggio
(804) 698-1595
Higher Education


Michael R. Jay
(804) 698-1594

Compensation & Retirement, Transportation and Administration (DHRM)


David A. Reynolds

(804) 698-1593
Public Safety & Homeland Security, Veterans & Defense Affairs, Agriculture & Forestry, Natural Resources


Kimberly L. McKay
(804) 698-1591
Economic Development, Labor and Administration (Elections)


Zachary L. Robbins
(804) 698-1592
Elementary & Secondary Education


Andrea E. Peeks
(804) 698-1613
General Government, Claims,  Capital Outlay


Amy Cochran

(804) 698-1605

Health & Human Resources (DBHDS) & Other Education


Carla L. Karnes
(804) 698-1598
Office Manager