2020 Standing Subcommittee Information

Subcommittees are established for each functional area of state government. Standing subcommittees meet once or twice a week during Session and periodically throughout the Interim. Most of the detailed budget review occurs at the subcommittee level and they are the authoritative voice on policy and funding decisions on the budget.  

Subcommittees, in addition to reviewing the Governor's budget proposals, also review budget requests from members of the House of Delegates at large.

Please note that during Session, the current weekly meeting schedule is also posted on the Home page for easy reference. All meeting agendas and presentations, if available in electronic format, will be posted to the individual subcommittee pages as soon as possible.

Unless otherwise noted, documents are available on this website in Adobe Acrobat "portable document format" (PDF) which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice.

Click here for the 2020 Session Subcommittee Assignments & Meeting Schedule

NOTE:  Committee Chairs Serve as ex Officio Members of House Subcommittees

Standing Subcommittees



Other Joint Subcommittee and Joint Commission Information


Monday, December 14, 2020

Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn Senator Janet D. Howell
Delegate Luke E. Torian Senator Thomas K. Norment, Jr.
Delegate Mark D. Sickles Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr.
Delegate David L. Bulova Senator Richard L. Saslaw
Delegate Roslyn C. Tyler  Senator Mamie E. Locke
Delegate L. Nick Rush Secretary Aubrey L. Layne, Jr., ex officio
Delegate R. Lee Ware Secretary Brian Ball, ex officio


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

  • Joint Subcommittee on Early Childhood Care and Education (info) - Virtual - 1:00 PM
    - Live Stream Link
    • Agenda
    • Welcome and Call to Order
      • The Honorable Janet D. Howell
    • Remarks from Pamela Northam, First Lady of Virginia
    • Report: The Divergent Experiences of Early Educators in Schools and Child Care Centers during COVID-19
      • Dr. Daphna Bassok, Associate Professor of Education and Public Policy; Associate Director, EdPolicyWorksCenter, University of Virginia
    • Update: Implementation of the Statewide Unified Early Childhood Care & Education System; COVID-19 Impacts on Early Childhood Education and Child Care
      • Jenna Conway, Chief School Readiness Officer, Virginia Department of Education
    • Status: Mixed Delivery Public-Private Partnership Grants
      • Kathy Glazer, President, Virginia Early Childhood Foundation
    • Discussion
      • Members

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn Senator Janet D. Howell
Delegate Luke E. Torian Senator Thomas K. Norment, Jr.
Delegate Mark D. Sickles Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr.
Delegate David L. Bulova Senator Richard L. Saslaw
Delegate Roslyn C. Tyler  Senator Mamie E. Locke
Delegate L. Nick Rush Secretary Aubrey L. Layne, Jr., ex officio
Delegate R. Lee Ware Secretary Brian Ball, ex officio



Friday, August 14, 2020

  • Major Employment and Investment (MEI) Projects Approval Commission (info) - Virtual - 10:00 AM
    L​ive Stream Link   
    • Agenda
    • Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
    • Presentation
      • Freedom of Information Act and Closed Meeting Procedures
        • Lisa Wallmeyer, Senior Attorney, Division of Legislative Services
      • Overview of MEI Commission Purpose, Legislative Background, and Processes
        •  Charles Kennington, Legislative Analyst, Senate Finance & Appropriations Committee
        • Kim McKay, Legislative Analyst, House Appropriations Committee
      • MEI and VEDP’s Partnership in Economic Success for the Commonwealth
        • Stephen Moret, President & CEO, Virginia Economic Development Partnership


Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn Senator Janet D. Howell
Delegate Luke E. Torian Senator Thomas K. Norment, Jr.
Delegate Mark D. Sickles Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr.
Delegate David L. Bulova Senator Richard L. Saslaw
Delegate Roslyn C. Tyler  Senator Mamie E. Locke
Delegate L. Nick Rush Secretary Aubrey L. Layne, Jr., ex officio
Delegate R. Lee Ware Secretary Brian Ball, ex officio





2020 Bill Tracking

Regular Session

Contsct HAC Staff

Anne E. Oman --
Staff Director


Susan E.  Massart --
Health & Human Resources


Anthony A. "Tony"  Maggio --
Capital Outlay, Higher & Other Education


Michael R. Jay --
Compensation & Retirement, Transportation


David A. Reynolds--
Public Safety & Homeland Security, Veterans & Defense Affairs, Agriculture & Forestry, Natural Resources


Kimberly L. McKay --
Economic Development, General Government, Claims


Zachary L. Robbins --
Elementary & Secondary Education


Carla L. Karnes --
Office Manager