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Health & Human Resources


Morgan (C), Ingram, Landes, Jones, O’Bannon, Brink, Ware O., Dance


The Legislative Fiscal Analyst that staffs this subcommittee is Susan Massart.

2011 Interim Meetings

During interim, this subcommittee meets on call of the Chairman.  Unless otherwise noted, this subcommittee meets in the Appropriations Room on the 9th Floor of the General Assembly Building.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice.

December 12, 2011 - 1:00 p.m.

  • Update on Children’s Behavioral Health Services & Status Report on Behavioral
    Managed Care

    • Cynthia B. Jones, Director, Department of Medical Assistance Services - Presentation

    • Mary Ann Bergeron, Virginia Association of Community Services Boards - Presentation

  • Responses to Implementation of the VICAP Program

    • Jennifer Fidura, Virginia Network of Private Providers - Handout

    • Margaret Nimmo Crowe, Voices for Virginia’s Children - Presentation

    • Mira Signer, Executive Director, NAMI Virginia - Handout

    • Bill Elwood, Virginia Coalition of Private Providers Association and

      • Steve Jurentkuff, VCOPPA - Handout #1, Handout #2

      • Molly Cheeks, President of the Association of Community Based Providers

      • Teshana Henderson, Association of Community Based Providers

    • Mike Fidgeon, President of the Eastern Division of Providence Service Corporation

    • Dr. Betty Etzler, Virginia State Director, Family Preservation Services


2011 Session Meetings

During session, this subcommittee usually meets on Monday at 3:00 p.m.  Unless otherwise noted, this subcommittee meets in the Appropriations Room on the 9th Floor of the General Assembly Building.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice.

Please note that the current weekly meeting schedule is posted on the Home page for easy reference. All meeting agendas and presentations, if available in electronic format, will be posted to the individual subcommittee pages as soon as possible.

February 21, 2011
Immediately upon House Adjournment

  • Agenda

  • Bills before the subcommittee:

    • SB 1451 (Deeds)

    • SB 1464 (Whipple)

February 18, 2011
Immediately upon House Adjournment

  • Agenda

  • Bills before the subcommittee

    • SB 781 (Reynolds)

    • SB 978 (Whipple)

    • SB 1223 (Barker)  

    • SB 1470 (Hanger)

    • HB 2533 (Cox)

February 14, 2011

  • Not Meeting

February 7, 2011

  • Not Meeting

February 4, 2011
 - Immediately upon Adjournment of the Higher Education Subcommittee

  • Agenda

  • Bill before the Subcommittee:

    • HB 2453 (Garrett)

February 3, 2011 -  7:30 a.m.

  • Agenda

  • Bills before the Subcommittee:

    • HB 1484 (Hope).

    • HB 2453 (Garrett)

January 31, 2011

  • Agenda

  • Bills before the Subcommittee:

    • HB 1643 (O’Bannon)

    • HB 1697 (Athey)

    • HB 2081 (Landes)

    • HB 2175 (Phillips)

    • HB 2192 (Ebbin)

    • HB 2384 (Orrock)

  • Virginia Department of Health Overview of Introduced Budget - Presentation

  • Comprehensive Services Act Overview of Budget Actions - Presentation

  • Department of Social Services Proposed Budget Amendments - Presentation

January 24, 2011

January 17, 2011

  • Agenda

  • Overview of the Department of Medical Assistance Services Budget Proposal - Presentation

  • Overview of the Department of Behavioral Health & Development Services Budget Proposal
    - Presentation


Purview of the Subcommittee