Higher Education


Cox (C), Landes, Massie, Scott, Greason, Joannou, Hester, Sickles


The Legislative Fiscal Analyst that staffs this subcommittee is Tony Maggio.

2015 Session Meetings

During session, this subcommittee usually meets on Monday at 3:00 p.m.  Unless otherwise noted, this subcommittee meets in the Appropriations Room on the 9th Floor of the General Assembly Building.  Please be advised that all agendas, meeting dates, times and locations are subject to change with out notice.  

Please note that the current weekly meeting schedule is posted on the Home page for easy reference. All meeting agendas and presentations, if available in electronic format, will be posted to the individual subcommittee pages as soon as possible.

February 23, 2015 - Not Meeting

February 19, 2015 - 3:30 PM

  • Agenda
  • Bills Before the subcommittee:
    • SB 971 (Ruff)
    • SB 1327 (Reeves)

February 16, 2015  - Not Meeting

February 9, 2015 - Not Meeting

February 4, 2015 - Immediately Upon Adjournment the ACTNR Sucommittee

  • Agenda
    • Bills Before Subcommittee
      • HB 2121 (Mason)
      • HB 2122 (Mason)
      • HB 2345 (Villanueva)
      • HB 2354 (Yancey)

February 2, 2015  - Immediately Upon Committee Adjournment

  • Agenda
    • Bills Before Subcommittee
      • HB 1314 (Davis)
      • HB 1788 (Massie)
      • HB 2110 (Futrell)

January 26, 2015


January 19, 2015 - 10:00 AM (this is a time change)

  • Agenda

  • Bills Before the Subcommittee:

    • HB 1896 (Cox)

    • HB 1895 (Cox)

    • HB 1897 (Cox)


Purview of the Subcommittee

Higher and Other Education

  • Colleges and Universities
  • Eastern Virginia Medical School
  • Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia
  • Gunston Hall
  • Higher Education Research Initiative
  • Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
  • Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
  • Jefferson Science Associates, LLC
  • New College Institute
  • Roanoke Higher Education Authority
  • Southeastern Universities Research Association
  • Southern Virginia Higher Education Center
  • Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center
  • State Council of Higher Education of Virginia
  • The Library of Virginia
  • The Science Museum of Virginia
  • Virginia College Building Authority
  • Virginia Commission for the Arts
  • Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Independent Agencies

  • Virginia College Savings Plan




