The Honorable Luke E. Torian, Chairman
We hope that you will find our website a useful resource for Committee related information. If you would like additional information on the state’s financial operations including budget, revenue, and expense information or expenditure transactions by vendor name or agency please click on the Commonwealth Data Point link.
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The Appropriations Committee, one of 14 standing Committees of Virginia's House of Delegates, has jurisdiction over state budget matters. We hope you will find the Committee's web site useful and choose to visit it any time you have a question about the Committee, its subcommittees, or the state budget.
The Appropriations Committee usually meets monthly during the interim and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the Session upon adjournment of the full House to discuss budget matters. In addition, the Committee has seven standing Subcommittees which meet once or twice a week during the Session. Some of the Committees' major responsibilities include:
Virginia has a biennial budget which is adopted by the General Assembly in the even-numbered years and amended by the Assembly in the odd-numbered years. Please click on the following links for more information about the Executive Budget Process or the Legislative Budget Process.
Also, visit the Department of Planning and Budget's frequently asked questions webpage for an overview of Virginia's budget and the Auditor of Public Acconts' Commonwealth Data Point, which is an internet database of key information about the Commonwealth of Virginia and the operations of state government.
201 North 9th Street, 12th Floor
General Assembly Building
Richmond, VA 23219
Main Phone Number:
(804) 698-1590
Anne E. Oman
(804) 698-1596
Staff Director
Susan E. Massart
(804) 698-1597
Health & Human Resources (except DBHDS & DSS)
Anthony A.
"Tony" Maggio
(804) 698-1595
Higher Education
Michael R. Jay
(804) 698-1594
Compensation &
Retirement, Transportation and Administration (DHRM)
David A. Reynolds
(804) 698-1593
Public Safety &
Homeland Security, Veterans & Defense Affairs, Agriculture &
Forestry, Natural Resources
Kimberly L. McKay
(804) 698-1591
Economic Development, Labor and Administration (Elections)
Zachary L. Robbins
(804) 698-1592
Andrea E. Peeks
(804) 698-1613
General Government, Claims, Capital Outlay
Amy Cochran
(804) 698-1605
Health & Human Resources (DBHDS; DSS) & Other Education
Carla L. Karnes
(804) 698-1598
Office Manager