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2007 Documents & Reports

House Member Budget Amendment Requests, Committee Approved Amendments and the Conference Report Amendments to House Bill 1650 (the Budget Bill) may be tracked on the 2007 State Budget website. 

Each amendment is drawn to a specific budget item as numbered in the budget bill. Amendments are presented in numerical order, by agency, and by secretarial area. You can create a report of selected budget amendments.  Also, you can select an agency to generate a report (i.e. Department for the Aging; Department of Taxation; Virginia Retirement System, etc.).

Unless otherwise noted, documents are available on this website in Adobe Acrobat "portable document format" (PDF) which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print.  

Final Summary of 2006-2008 Budget Actions

This document was prepared by the staffs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees as a summary of the amended budget for the 2006-2008 biennium (April 23, 2007).

Complete Summary Document:

Individual Budget Sections:


2006-2008 Biennium Pie Charts:

Subcommittee Reports

Budget recommendations are adopted by the Committee through subcommittee reports. The reports include all of the recommended changes to the Governor’s proposal. Subcommittee reports are adopted as a package by the Appropriations Committee and are transformed into the detailed amendments which are sent to the floor of the House.

The 2007 Session Subcommittee Reports will be available online (here and on the 2007 State Budget website) Sunday, February 4, 2007 upon adjournment of the full committee.

Summary of The Governor's Proposed Amendments to the 2006-2008 Budget

This document was prepared by the staffs of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees as a preliminary report on the Governor’s proposed amendments to the 2006-2008 biennium (HB1650). Subsequent staff reports will be made available during the 2007 General Assembly Session (January 8, 2007).

Complete Summary Document:

Individual Budget Sections:


